March Is For Mowing

Yes, it’s that time of year, our favorite time of the year; SPRING. The trees are blooming, temperatures are rising, and the grass is growing. Now a lot of y’all reading may be extremely turned off on the idea of adding mowing to your already high stack of dirty dishes. Thankfully you have us, Yards By D France, the highest rated lawn care company in our neighborhoods to come and save the day. Weekly mowing is imperative to the health, look and continued growth of your lawn. Here are some mowing tips to help you manage your lawn all season long!

Mowing Tips

  • NC lawns are predominately fescue, a cool season turf that grows tall quickly. Weekly mowing is a necessity.

  • Tall fescue lawn ideal mowing height is 4”+.

  • Never allow your lawn to grow the the point where you are cutting off more than 1/3 of the current height.

  • Never mow the same pattern more than three times. Make sure to change directions and to avoid mowing when ground is saturated.

  • Once summer comes, the heat may be stressing your lawn. If this is the case, stay off of it.


Call us or follow our mowing tips to enjoy the luxury of a year long healthy lawn!


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